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My Story

Professional coaching

Hello, my name is Olga. I have over 20 years of experience working in wellness and recovery with individuals and leadership teams. 


Most of my career has focused on impacting how we as individuals can use systems to support the well-being of individuals, veterans, and our communities.


My mission is to help individuals transform their minds by empowering them to make positive changes to their

well-being. Empowering people to take control of their own wellness journey is my passion. I use a handful of approaches and focus on a mind, body, and spirit connection to help you get to the root of your concerns. It's my absolute passion and purpose to empower and support individuals to make changes in their lives because I believe the world needs more purpose-driven, ambitious individuals to share their unique gifts and talents in the world.


I’ve lived through many significant life transitions, divorce, trauma, loss, and habit overhauls. Thanks to the professional coach training I enrolled in, continuing education I’ve invested in, and the tools, systems, and processes I use on a daily basis, I transformed my life and am now living my purpose.


I am certainly not perfect, and I absolutely face my fair set of challenges, but now I approach life differently...I have embodied a new way of thinking and a new way of being. 


Now I am serving incredible individuals like you - on a mission to face their fears, challenge the status quo, develop unwavering confidence, and step into lives that are more aligned with their goals and desires.


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Building ...

- Build confidence across all areas of life 

- Stop feeling overwhelmed & 'stuck'
- Manage their thoughts & emotions
- Clarify their path for career success
- Become aware of growth blind-spots
- Set & achieve meaningful goals 
- Become confident & influential communicators
- Feel empowered and clear 
- Look at life with a fresh perspective 
- Successfully navigate major life transitions 
- And so much more...


I have extensive leadership working with individuals living with mental health challenges and overcoming addictions. 


I also hold a Foundations of Positive Psychology and Resiliency Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania. Applied Positive Psychology is a discipline that examines the intersections of body, brain, culture, and science to develop tools and practices that enhance human flourishing and well-being.


My life’s passion and purpose is to be of service to people who want to take the steps to become empowered to alter the course of their lives. It is an honor for me to coach. Coaching is essentially personal, offering you an opportunity to focus on your specific development. 


As your coach, I will help you tap into your full potential, find direction, and achieve your goals. We will work together to align your personal qualities with your goals to bring a sense of purpose and direction to your life!


My coaching draws on Presence-Based Coaching Methodology, Coach Approach, Positive Intelligence, Trauma-Informed Care, Mindfulness, Holistic Practices, and Neurobiology. I also hold a Foundations of Positive Psychology and Resiliency  Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania. Applied Positive Psychology is a discipline that examines the intersections of body, brain, culture, and science to develop tools and practices that enhance human flourishing and well-being.

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